Popular culture accumulates cultural products such as music, art, literature, fashion, dance, film, cyberculture, television, and radio that are consumed by the majority of a society’s population. The term “popular culture” was coined in the 19th century or earlier.
Take the following Popular Culture Quiz – 1 to test your knowledge about some theories of mass culture, consumer culture, image culture, media culture, culture for mass consumption, etc.
Choose the right answer Popular Culture Quiz – 1 by clicking one of the following:
#1. Which sociological theory claims that media representations cultivate, not threaten the status quo?
#2. Which critical theory states that media emphasis on a particular issue translates into public emphasis on the same issue?
#3. Which of the below is an example of transgressive symbolism?
#4. What did Marshall McLuhan call the period from 1700 to the mid-1900s?
#5. Which of the below is the main component of the Bull’s Eye Model?
#7. Which theory states that we come to understand the social norms in our life through transgression?
#8. Which of the below is a semiotic notion or approach?
#9. Which group coined the term “postmodernism” in the 1970s?
#10. Who introduced intertexuality to semiotics?
#11. What is the main lesson to be learned from the history of broadcasting?
#12. What does gratification theory argue?
#13. In 198, the radio broadcast of which novel by H. G. Wells caused hysteria among those who were not aware that it was a fictional dramatization?
#14. Which concept of Marxist Theory argues that the most powerful group mentally controls society by using education and mass communications as brain-washing systems?
#15. Which female icon is said to have “turned the tide in feminist theory” and inspired the post-feminism movement?
#16. Marshall McLuhan’s well-known phrase states that the ________ is the message.
#17. In Mythology Theory, which comic book character is deemed a perfect example of the recycled mythic hero?
#18. Which scholar is associated with linking mass communications technologies to pop culture?
#19. Which of the following theory believes that common people cannot tell the difference between truth and manipulation?
#20. Post-structuralism encourages the use of __________, which claims that the meaning of a text cannot be determined in any absolute way because it shifts according to who analyses it, when it is analyzed, how it is analyzed, etc.