G1 Practice Test – 7

The following G1 Practice test has 20 questions in total. All the questions are set to prepare you for the real G1 Test. This practice test is about Ontario Road Rules.

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#1. You may lend your driving license to another person________.

#2. When lights are necessary, drivers must switch to low beam headlights while following another vehicle within a distance of ______.

#3. Motorcyclists are entitled to the use of_______.

#4. When a driver’s license is suspended, the driver is ________.

#5. Why is it more dangerous to drive at the maximum speed limit at night than during the daytime?

#6. If your wheels go off the pavement, you should_______.

#7. You are approaching a traffic light where the signal is red but a police officer is signalling you to proceed. You should____.

#8. When you are approaching an intersection on a main road where the intersection is blocked with traffic, you should________.

#9. Drivers who do not buckle up can be fined. They may also incur_________.

#10. When you decide to make a U-turn, you should first check_____.

#11. You are approaching a signal and the light suddenly changes from green to yellow/amber. You should____.

#12. If you drive with a G1 license, you must not drive on 400-series highways with a posted speed limit over_____.

#13. When you are approaching a stop sign, you should____.

#14. If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still on the street, which of the following has the right-of-way?

#15. You must be at least ___ years old and have a valid Ontario driver’s licence to operate in Ontario.

#16. What is the law about seat-belts and children 9-18 kg (20-40lbs)?

#17. A red signal light with a green arrow at an intersection means you should______.

#18. Under all conditions you should drive your vehicle at a speed that will allow you to______.

#19. You should use signals to _____.

#20. Headlights and rear lights be seen from _________ metres away.
