Canada is a country located in northern North America directly above the United States. It is worldwide known for its hockey, maple syrup, and severely cold winters. But the country has other facts that you might not know. Try our Canada quiz 7 to test your knowledge about what Canadians call the wooden sled and a landmark of wooden stones, who the current Prime Minister is, which city has more churches than houses, and much more.

Choose the right answer by clicking one of the following:

#1. What do Canadians usually call a winter hat?

*Tuque is the preferred Canadian spelling of the knitted cap worn in winter. Learn more.

#2. Which city in Canada has the largest indigenous peoples population?

#3. What is Canada’s northern-most city?

*Alert, in the Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut, Canada, is the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world. Learn more.

#4. During the Christmas season, families dress up in old clothes and go from home to house and sing carols. What is this tradition called?

*Mummering, also called mumming, is commonly known in many outport communities throughout Newfoundland as jennying or jannying. It involves a group of people, disguised in ridiculous attire, who called on local homes during the Christmas season. Learn more.

#5. Who is the current Prime Minister of Canada?

*Justin Trudeau. Learn more.

#6. A landmark made of stacked stones by peoples of the Arctic region of North America is called an____.

*Inuksuk is a manmade stone landmark or cairn built for use by the Inuit, Iñupiat, Kalaallit, Yupik, and other peoples of the Arctic region of North America. Learn more.

#7. What do Canadians call a wooden sled that curves up at one end?

*Toboggan. The word comes from the Canadian French tabaganne, which in turn is taken from the Algonquian Maleseet language word thapaken. Learn more.

#8. Who is the Monarch of Canada?

#9. What are the official colours of Canada?

*Red and white became Canada’s official colours as a result of the proclamation of the Canada Coat of Arms by King George V in 1921. Learn more.

#10. What is the second highest mountain in Canada?

*Mount Saint Elias contains an immense vertical relief, rising from sea level at Icy Bay to its 18,009-foot summit in just ten miles. Both Canada and the United States claim Mount Saint Elias as their own. Learn more.

#11. Which Canadian city has more churches than houses?

*Montreal, Canada has more churches in the city than they have houses and is often called the city of churches.
