Canada is worldwide known for its hockey, maple syrup, and severely cold winters. But the country has other facts that you might not know. Try our Canada quiz 3 to test your knowledge about Canada. Also, check your answers at the end of the quiz with more information.

Choose the right answer by clicking one of the following.

#1. What is the “big prize” for the National Hockey League (“NHL”) called?

#2. What is the “big prize” for the Canadian Football League (“CFL”) called?

#3. What is Canada’s oldest national park? ? In Alberta

*Banff National Park established on June 23, 1887. Learn more.

#4. Superman was co-created by a Canadian.

*Superman was co-created by a Canadian: Toronto-born artist Joe Shuster created the superhero with American writer Jerry Siegel. Learn more.

#5. What does “CBC” stand for?

*Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Learn more.

#6. What is the longest river of Canada?

* The Mackenzie River in Northwest Territories. It is 4241 kilometers, the longest in North America. Learn more.

#7. What does “RCMP” stand for?

* Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Learn more.

#8. What are Canada’s three territories? ? A territory is an organized division of a country that is not yet admitted to the full rights of a state.

#9. What should you you bring when you go to a baby shower?

#10. What is the easternmost province of Canada?
